Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 7 - The Wolf Finds Something Unexpected

Xiao Zai could not tear his eyes away from the beautiful omega standing under the awning. The lanterns hanging from the awning cast dancing shadows on his smooth face, making him look even more alluring. It was clear that the omega was one of Prince Jing\'s sons, judging by his fine robes and exquisite hair crown and hairpin.

The young omega came down the stone stairs, making his way towards them. It was only then that Xiao Zai noticed that he was holding a small child by the hand. A little girl no older than five.

The girl clung shyly to her brother\'s hand while chewing on the fingers of her right hand, her large eyes focused on Xiao Zai.

It made Xiao Zai\'s heart itch to see such a tender sight.

It also made him ball his hands into fists at his side.

Obviously, the Prince of Jing had an omega son. If Xiao Zai\'s royal father had any good will towards him, or any genuine interest in a prosperous alliance with Xin, he would have arranged the wedding between him and the Prince\'s youngest son.

All of these conflicting thoughts probably showed on his face, because the beautiful omega gave him an uneasy look before introducing himself.

"Pleased to meet his Highness, this one is called Chu Hean, and this is the young miss of the Jing estate, Chu Mi."

He pushed his sister forward gently and the little girl curtsied clumsily, still sucking on the fingers of her right hand.

Xiao Zai couldn\'t help but smile at the little girl. Smiling softened his face and made him look less domineering, bringing out his sculpted features and regal profile.

When his gaze returned to Chu Hean, Xiao Zai was surprised to find him with his eyes lowered, and a faint dusting of red over his small earlobes.

He was hit once again with a potent wave of his heady scent. For everyone\'s sake, he put some distance between them, retreating towards the Prince of Jing and his Madam.

To his dismay Chu Hean followed his retreat.

"I was wondering if I could make a request of his Highness?"

Xiao Zai could feel the apprehension coming off the Prince of Jing in waves behind him, but just like with his wife, he did nothing to stop his son from talking. If nothing else, Xiao Zai expected to get along well with his future-in-laws.

His eyes drifted to Chu Hean\'s red lips -- perhaps too well.

"I\'ll be pleased to help in whichever way I can."

"Then, I would like to visit my brother whenever our duties allow it."

That wasn\'t what Xiao Zai expected to hear, and he was stunned silent for a moment. The flinty determination behind Chu Hean\'s sweet peach blossom eyes grew for each moment Xiao Zai said nothing, until Xiao Zai finally nodded, and the tension melted off Chu Hean\'s slim shoulders.

"I\'ll be happy to welcome his Grace whenever he cares to visit," Xiao Zai said, diplomatically.

In truth he thought it was a good sign that his omega brother thought so highly of Xiao Zai\'s future husband.

He didn\'t know many alphas in Zui who were so close to their omega siblings.

While it was unlikely that his marriage would be a happy or fulfilling one, Xiao Zai was beginning to hold out hope that it would at least be harmonious.


Prince Jing invited Xiao Zai into the palace where various Xin delicacies and refreshments were served. Xiao Zai was too tired to properly taste any of them. The late hour made conversation subdued, and while Xiao Zai was surprised at how pleasant he found the company of the Prince\'s family, he was eager to get back on the road and return to Zui.

Finally, a servant announced Chu Yun\'s arrival.

Xiao Zai stood on the middle of the room, with his hands clasped behind his back, ready to welcome his future spouse.

His heart was beating wildly inside his chest, a mixture of nerves, apprehension, and Chu Hean\'s sweet scent.

The doors to the main hall opened and Chu Yun entered, accompanied by the servants who were part of his dowry and would be joining him in Zui.

He was clad in red brocade robes, similar to Xiao Zai\'s except for the prancing fox pattern around the hem of the skirt and sleeves. His face was hidden behind a thin red muslin veil, affixed to the hair crown holding up the upper half of his sleek black hair, and the intricate gold hairpins keeping it in place.

Chu Yun was slightly shorter than Xiao Zai, with a slimmer build too, but the way he carried himself and held his chin high almost erased that small difference.

He came to a stop in front of Xiao Zai and bowed perfunctorily. "Chu Yun, courtesy name(1) Miaoyan, greets his Highness."

Xiao Zai returned his bow. "Xiao Zai, courtesy name, Zilang, greets his Grace."

Now that he was closer, Xiao Zai could smell Chu Yun\'s scent, a refreshing bouquet of orchids and pine trees. An alpha\'s scent was always less intense to another alpha, and usually not arousing. In some cases, it could even be offensive.

He was relieved to find that wasn\'t the case.

Chu Yun\'s scent was perfectly non-threatening, elegant and refined, bringing to mind a life of indulgence and hedonism despite its freshness. In Zui, alphas never smelled like flowers or trees, although omegas often did. Chu Yun\'s scent didn\'t resemble an omega\'s, not really, but it was still pleasantly agreeable.

He took Chu Yun\'s, long-fingered dry hand in his, as per tradition, and led him outside towards the waiting sedan.

He wondered what he smelled like to Chu Yun.


(1) Courtesy name is something people (usually men, but women too in this vaguely warring states inspired setting) received when they came of age, around 20 for men, younger for women. It means the name that people would call each other by in public life, as the given name was considered intimate. It\'s always composed of two characters, so it can be called on its own "Miaoyan" instead of Chu Miaoyan, although family name + courtesy name is more polite. I won\'t come up with a courtesy name for every character, and they won\'t be used all that much, however in case it isn\'t obvious: Chu Hean doesn\'t have a courtesy name yet because he hasn\'t come off age.

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