Confess System: Picking Up Girls After Girls, Try Not to Get Killed!

Chapter 90 Tyler’s Past (Part 1)

In his youth, Tyler was the epitome of a "good child."

His sense of justice was overwhelming, and he could not tolerate any unfairness or injustice.

However, injustice and unfairness are the norms of the world. Consequently, young Tyler was often embroiled in fights with other children. Ordinarily, children who fought outside would be scolded or even beaten upon their return home.

However, young Tyler was "fortunate." His family was poor, and his parents worked tirelessly, leaving them with little time to tend to him.

Experiencing his parents\' scold was a form of happiness for young Tyler.


Tyler\'s grandparents passed away early, and his parents were constantly preoccupied with work. It was thanks to the care of his aunts, uncles, and neighbors that he did not starve.

As a result, young Tyler frequently stood up for the children of these relatives and friends. One day, he would fight the child from the east village, and the next day, he would kick the brat from the west village.

Young Tyler\'s "infamy" spread throughout the neighboring villages.

Later, Tyler attended a local elementary school, where he continued to live a life of brawling.

His aggressive approach to life earned him the nickname "Tyler the Flammable". Tyler did not care about the nickname; he could not stand children who bullied others because they were taller or who treated other children like slaves because their families were wealthy.

However, unlike the children in his village, his school peers did not appreciate Tyler\'s efforts to maintain justice and fairness. Even those he had helped were unwilling to associate with him.

Tyler became isolated.

Nonetheless, he remained steadfast in his values.

As he grew older, he began to notice new problems.

Tyler was puzzled as to why the teacher\'s son could receive extra stationery and uniforms.

He was puzzled about why everyone had to pay for spring and autumn outings, even if some were too ill to attend.

He was puzzled about why the grade director\'s daughter could open her textbook during exams, while others would be scolded for merely turning their heads.

Unable to find answers to his questions, Tyler inquired of the adults, only to receive the following replies:

Because he is the teacher\'s son, he can.

Because she is the grade director\'s daughter, she can.

Because that\'s how the school rules are, you\'re too young to understand.

Tyler was indeed too young to quote Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

However, the teachers became irritated with Tyler, and during the New Year, they summoned his parents to the school. They berated Tyler\'s parents relentlessly, warning them that if Tyler continued to cause trouble, he would be expelled.


Tyler\'s parents were reasonable people; they did not criticize their son for the teachers\' scolding. On the contrary, they told Tyler that he was in the right, and that the school and the teachers were in the wrong.

"But I\'m sorry, Tyler," they said, "we can\'t afford to send you to a city school just yet."

"You must stay here and complete your education. By the time you graduate from elementary school, we will have the means to move you to the city."

"So, Tyler, we must ask you to endure, and not cause any more trouble. Can you do that?"

With tears in their eyes, Tyler\'s parents looked at their son, who nodded silently in agreement.

He wanted to ask, "Mom and Dad, can I still be a righteous person if I turn a blind eye to evil?"

But remembering the way his parents had been humiliated at the school, he swallowed the question.


From that point on, Tyler became a shrinking violet at school.

When his classmates threw his books in the trash, he retrieved them.

When they hid nails in his backpack, he picked them out one by one, collected a boxful, and sold them at the scrapyard.

When they put frogs and spit in his water bottle, he washed it out, filled it with water, and drank from it again, all the while making sure the frog is freed for life.

His classmates feared Tyler\'s violence, so they resorted to underhanded tricks and mocked him behind his back.

Tyler knew exactly who was behind these pranks, but he had to obey his parents\' wishes and avoid causing trouble.

As the years passed, playing pranks on Tyler became an unwritten rule at school.

"Tyler the Flammable, prone to explosions!!"

Mocking rhymes about Tyler could be heard all over the school, but he pretended not to hear.

If he could just endure one more semester, he would graduate...

But one day, after midterm exams, he saw a group of students surrounding an unfamiliar girl, trying to push her into a quickly flowing stream.

It was the flood season, one falling in the water can probably lose his life.

Tyler recognized the troublemakers. The ringleader was the principal\'s son, while the sidekicks were the children of the grade director and other teachers. The rest were small-time bullies who clung to the sidekicks.

Tyler had personally experienced their "care" on more than one occasion.

Adhering to his principle of not causing trouble, Tyler turned a blind eye and walked past. However, the girl\'s scream compelled him to glance back.

It was that glance that made eye contact between Tyler and the girl.

—(If evil takes my flesh, I can grit my teeth and bear it.)

—(If evil happens beyond my sight, I can pretend not to know.)

—(But if I witness evil and allow it to commit atrocities, how can I face myself in the future?)

Tyler\'s mind went blank for a moment. When he came to his senses, he found himself entangled in a brawl with the young troublemakers.


That evening, the local police station issued a notice:

A vicious brawl had occurred at the village primary school, where sixth-grader Tyler maliciously attacked thirteen students.

Among them, one drowned and tragically died after unsuccessful medical treatment;

Three others were severely injured and still receiving treatment;

The remaining students all sustained varying degrees of minor injuries.

Tyler was detained for interrogation by the police.

This incident destroyed Tyler\'s chance of graduating from the local primary school. At the age of twelve, Tyler could face a group of thirteen assailants without retreating, but he was powerless before school rules, morality, law, and public opinion.

In juvenile court, facing the judge, Tyler only had one thing to say, "The police notice is incorrect. I didn\'t kill anyone; that guy drowned after falling into the river on his own."


Throughout history, winners have always written the narrative.

Thus, with every dynastic change, it is always the "righteous" new power defeating the "wicked" old power.

In modern times, the truth of a case is determined by those with wealth and influence.

Tyler clearly didn\'t understand this principle. What he should have argued was that he wasn\'t the instigator of the fight but had acted out of a sense of justice. What he should have done was ask the girl he saved to testify on his behalf.

However, even if he understood this, it would have been futile, as the girl transferred away from the school soon after.

She didn\'t even say a single "thank you," let alone testify.

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