My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 184: Monstrous Battle And...

Chapter 184: Monstrous Battle And...


Frank\'s entire body was once more embraced by the twisting and deadly Chaos Mana, as it was gathered into a gigantic beam of Chaos, fired directly towards his body as he descended like a spear towards the Dungeon Core!


An explosion unfolded, as the entire dungeon began to shatter into pieces, several floors being broken apart even if such materials should not even be capable of being destroyed… if it was not because both fighters were wielding the power of a Goddess!

However, Frank quickly shapeshifted its entire body once more, and like a vicious and gluttonous monstrous entity, it began to devour the entire cannon of chaos into his body, absorbing all of the power and growing even stronger!

The Dungeon Core that was sent deep into the floor saw as Frank approached it, trying to defend itself on its last resort, it quickly conjured hundreds of weapon-shaped projectiles made with Chaos, firing them at him!


Frank\'s entire body received the damage, tearing apart and then shapeshifting back to normal to absorb the power on a display of complete insanity!


Frank used his claws to slash through the attacks, finally getting near the Dungeon Core and crushing it!


His entire body fell like a spear of destruction over the Dungeon Core, as his aura, shaped like a sharp spear, penetrated through the not-so-indestructible material that the Dungeon Core was made of, slowly generating countless cracks!

The Dungeon Core was then filled with errors within its mind, as its entire power began to leak out of its existence!

Like a greedy and monstrous demon filled with wrath and grotesqueness, Frank shapeshifted once more into a gigantic jaw, devouring the Dungeon Core!


The Dungeon Core released an agonizing shriek that seemed to be like the shivering of its very artificial soul!


However, Frank kept crunching it with its monstrous body, as his soul quickly appeared once more, showing the true appearance of the abyssal entity born within Frank\'s soul, a mass of darkness with countless tentacles and crimson eyes, opening its endless jaws of razor-sharp teeth, it crushed the Dungeon Core and ate it like a snack!


Suddenly, an even greater power surged over Frank\'s entire soul, as his Soul Core began to finally reform… now as something even higher!

His Mana Core had already been crushed, and whatever bits remained formed into a new core that still replaced his heart!

The enormous amount of concentrated power began to crystalize within these two cores, as Frank\'s body quickly escaped from the Dungeon, as without a Dungeon Core, it began to fall apart!

Generating a gate into the Dark Lair Dungeon, Frank escaped before being crushed by the entire Goblin Dungeon, falling into the floor as Orb and Aaronarra were startled by his arrival and strange appearance!

"E-Eh?! Master! …What with that appearance?!" cried Orb.

"That\'s… what is that?!" asked Aaronarra in surprise.

Orb quickly closed the gate before it was to bring all the debris from the Goblin Dungeon, as silence finally took ahold of everything…

Frank\'s body fell into the floor, motionless…

The darkness suddenly began to dissipate from his body, as if all the darkness went back to the center of his body, to the large and mysterious core within his soul…

His skin went back to the normal pale colors, his hair was white again, and his eyes were closed.

Frank\'s shadow quickly opened, as all the people he was protecting ran out of it, rushing towards him!

"FRANK!" cried Gwendolyn.

"Frank! Are you okay?!" asked Vheslia.

"Frank, wake up!" cried Kamei, as her tears began to flow out of her eyes.

Grandwing was also unconscious while being carried by Melodia, but he seemed to have recovered… Frank had somehow miraculously saved him from dying.

"Frank…" muttered Melodia, her eyes seemed filled with sorrow.

Everyone gathered around Frank, as Orb decided to make the people go away from her Master.

"Sheesh! Go away! Master is very weakened, he needs to rest! I will pour him some Divine Power so he can recover faster, so don\'t dare to interfere!" said Orb, as she carried Frank over the bed in her chamber and slowly began to pour Divine Energy into his soul until he\'s tired and strange soul finally felt more relieved…

…Meanwhile, within the Moon, Axitl had her eyes wide open as she glanced at everything that had occurred.

"W-What was that…" she muttered.

"You provoked this, Axitl-sama!" roared Aztraloth.

"I-I… I did not do anything! I… Well, I did… But how? What… did happen to him? I did not expect him to change so much! It was as if he became… something completely different…" sighed Axitl.

"Frank\'s soul most likely mutated alongside his body due to the immense amount of power you gave him, Axitl…" sighed Aztraloth.

"Mutated… you\'re… right… The amount of chaos concentrated created miasma… and it made his soul and body mutate… but this is still odd, just what kind of soul does he has to be capable of absorbing such miasma and assimilate it completely? W-Well, I am happy that nothing worse happened…" sighed Axitl.

"Wait, were you expecting him to become some kind of grotesque monster?" asked Aztraloth.

"Well, didn\'t he became something like that? His entire existence, presence, and feeling of the entity were different… I think I screwed big time now…" said Axitl.

"Really did, my lady! You should be more considerate about other people\'s lives and struggles, it was already bad for you to give him such a wicked trial for your own amusement! Frank is someone special, he comes from another world and has an important mission, you cannot simply make him your toy!" said Aztraloth.

"I-I get it… D-Don\'t get mad! I just… I just wanted to have fun… for him to have fun and challenges… F-For him to grow stronger so he can accomplish his goals quickly! B-But I did wrong, I really did wrong! I… I… I am sorry…" cried Axitl, as tears began to flow from her eyes.

Aztraloth glanced at her master, the same tears, and cries that she did many times when she was young, na?ve, and alone…

All those times when she wished someone could be at her side, all those times she wished someone could be with her…

This is why he stood at her side and decided to become her familiar… even if it meant to mutate and become the beast he is now.

"Axitl-sama… D-Don\'t cry… It is… No, it is not fine but… Frank is… stable and alive, more importantly… Let\'s think about a way to apologize to him or what you did… You… need to remember that you\'re also a person and that these people are also… persons like you, with their own feelings, lives, and sorrows…" said Aztraloth.

"I… Y-Yeah… I guess…" cried Axitl.

Aztraloth remembered the times he raised Axitl, he tried his best to make her a bit more decent, although she still grew wicked and chaotic, she was deep down a girl filled with insecurities, loneliness, and depression.

Her own wicked and strange mind made her do things without regard for other feelings or opinions over it, causing suffering and catastrophes to their lives…

At some point, she had stopped even thinking about others, and only about herself…

Perhaps now that she had committed such a terrible mistake, it was time for her to get her shit together and begin to learn more about other people… to begin to learn and consider others.

After all, within the loneliness of her heart, one of the things she desired the most is to be at the side of someone…

Aztraloth began to gently pat Axitl\'s shoulders, as he gave her comforting words.

"Everything will be okay… We will try to get through this…" he said.

However, Aztraloth\'s affection only made Axitl feel more and more guilty, her mind was being shattered by the suffering that she saw Frank undergo…

She began to wonder if his life was like hers…

Filled with loneliness…

Filled with hopelessness…

Filled with sorrow…

What has she done?

She just brought even more chaos and pain to someone who had gone through so much already…

To someone that least deserved it…

"I am sorry… I am sorry…" she cried, she glanced from within the moon, as Frank slept in silence…




A wondrous sight.

Countless stars and lights floating within endless darkness…

A feeling of both familiarity and alienation took ahold of Frank\'s mind.

He glanced at his surroundings, there was no world here, no floor, no sky, no ground…

But there was such a beautiful spectacle of colors…

Stars everywhere he could see.

Large colorful clouds floating within an endless cosmos.

Concentrations of stars in front of his sight, reaching to a place he had never seen before.

He delved into this place of endless wonders.

A feeling of familiarity with the cosmos began to surge within his soul.

"Where am I?" he wondered.

Frank floated through this space, diving into the endless cosmos of wonders and colors, of lights and beauties.

Enormous galaxies emerged, making his eyes shine with surprise.

Everywhere he looked, there were beautiful sights after beautiful sights…

After getting near enough some extensions of this place, he found large spherical worlds…

Some were filled with dirt, others with ice, and some were made entirely out of gases.

Others were spheres of blazing flames of all colors, with cores that shined brightly, exuding a welcoming warmth to the worlds that rotated around it.

As Frank reached a strange place, a small galaxy emerged, so small compared to the rest, that Frank could not even understand how it existed…

He extended his hand curiously, grasping it, as the galaxy began to twist around his hand, and merged with him…

Frank felt strange…

It was as if he had finally found something he had been searching for an indescribable amount of time…

"So you have finally found it, Frank…" said a familiar voice…


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